Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /websites/cursivision/components/com_k2/models/item.php on line 763

Privacy declaration

    • Phablet Signature Pad

The Phablet Signature Pad developed by EnVisioNate LLC as part of the CursiVision system does not gather, or even know about in any way, personal information whatsoever about it's users.

Therefore, no personal informationĀ is ever shared.

    • CursiVision

The CursiVision software is installed as a Windows application on a local computer. Installation entails specifying an organization name, an email address, and phone number.

This information is only used to maintain usage information of the local computer's signature capture activity.

Indeed, the email address is not even vetted as a valid address, since the intent is to use it as an identifying token, and not to send email to or especially to provide to any other entity, which the CursiVision system adamantly does not do.

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