InnoVisioNate Signature Capture Software
Break free from expensive proprietary signature capture hardware! Finally - an easy to use signature capture API (Application Programming Interface) is available for Android Tablets or phones, and Windows TabletPCs
More than just Signature Capture
Are you looking for the Phablet Signature Pad API used in conjunction with your Google Play Store purchase to turn your Android device into a full featured Signature Capture device ?Look no further - you have arrived at the correct place.Please download the API here and run this installer on your Windows development PC.Please note there is documentation available on your android device itself by running the app and selecting Documentation on the menu. Should you have any questions at all, or need any assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are here to help. Thank you for your purchase on the Google Play store |
The Phablet API is also a full featured interface builder for the Android Phablet
In this model - the Android Tablet will show your application's interface while user actions and events are acted upon in a windows application!
Imagine hosting rich user interface applications on any Android Tablet - located anywhere on your (wireless) network with absolutely ZERO coding on the Android tablet itself !
Here is a must see video showing how the Phablet Signature Pad as a Windows system to Android deployer works.Watch this Oscar quality production now before it's national release in major theatres!Please click here for your free viewing. |
Please download the Phablet Signature Pad Android App here |
The Phablet API allows Android tablets to act as a remote terminals to your PC based applications. Easily put the UI portion of your PC application out to any Android user visible on the network ! While ALL of the logic and development activity for the application occurs on a PC using ANY development environment or language by your EXISTING staff.
This approach constitutes a new paradigm in PC <-> Android distributed computing technology. The Phablet API gives you the ability to build rich Android applications using familiar windows development tools, with absolutely no loss in functionality to your Android users.
The InnoVisioNate Phablet Signature Pad API
The InnoVisioNate Phablet Signature Pad APIWe are proud to introduce new software that will enable you to implement signature capture on the Android or Windows TabletPC platforms quickly and easily. Having worked with proprietary vendors' software APIs for many years - and having experienced the frustration of working with poorly written documentation, inefficient and cumbersome interface implementations, and with tools that either do too much, or too little, we finally had enough and developed our own software interface that meets our standards: Simple, efficient, powerful when need be, not in the way when need not be. You are welcome to use this same API that is used by CursiVision itself to talk to the device and implement Signature Capture within your own applications. If you purchase this toolset you will also receive full documentation, sample applications - that focus directly on the task at hand, showing how to talk to the device, and everything you need that runs on the device itself to turn it into a signature pad. The ArchitectureThe Phablet Signature Pad works by running an app on the Android device ( a service runs on a Windows TabletPC ) that is considered the "signature pad". Your application runs on any Windows PC and uses the API which enables you to control the Phablet signature device to initiate signature capture, and obtain the signature results from it. The API also includes the necessary software for both the Android and Windows Tablet PC platforms. From the perspective of your Windows Application, it does not care which of these platforms your are targeting. This allows you to switch between them, even after building your application, or to use any mixture of devices you'd like, now or in the future. Therefore, your development time investment with this technology will never be a factor locking you into any manufacturer, you can switch freely between hardware suppliers at any time for any reason. Note that the communication between your windows application and the device is accomplished with TCP/IP. Therefore, your pad must be visible to your Windows PC through the network, and you need to either know the IP address of the device, or, if configured, the network name of the device. This means that the signature capture device location is completely independent of the location of the application running on your Windows PC, restricted only by the nature of your communications infrastructure. |
Download the Phablet Signature Pad APIYour purchase of the Signature Pad API includes everything you need ( except hardware ) to implement full featured signature capture in your Windows application using any Android Tablet, phone, or Windows TabletPC as the signature pad device. Our detailed documentation and thorough sample applications will get you started right away providing a richer signature capture experience on these ubiquitous devices at far less cost ( and with zero risk ) than traditional signature capture hardware. And, as always with InnoVisioNate Software, you have a totally dedicated support staff ready and able to help you get started right away. We are always available to help and look forward to assisting you and seeing the amazing ways that you will find to take advantage of the exciting new capabilities inherent in this new hardware platform. You can reach us now with questions, or while you are implementing your solutions, by clicking Contact Us. The Phablet Signature Pad API is free and is available for immediate download from the Google App Store.
Since the physical USB cable is no longer necessary, amazing new possibilities arise for the use of these "signature pads". For example, a server running unattended in a locked communications room could easily be controlling a stand-alone signature pad 30 floors down in the entrance lobby. In fact, such a signature pad could now be used for much more than "signatures" - the API fully supports displaying a keyboard on the pad surface, now you have a fully functional visitor data entry system without the need for a dedicated computer sitting at the front desk !
As with any LCD signature capture device, our API allows you to send images from your application to display on the device. From there, however, we go beyond the limitations of typical signature capture hardware. As full fledged computers in their own right - the Phablet signature pad device has the ability to display real graphical user interface components on it's display - affording full communication with these controls back to the server application.
For example, traditional signature capture devices have the notion of "hotspots" that display, on an area of the LCD screen, a small image (which the developer must create) which the signer can tap the stylus upon to cause some action. In contrast to actual graphical interface elements - these hotspots are far less intuitive than real controls, such as command push buttons. In addition to that, use of the hotspots require tedious programming steps to setup and to detect their activation by the server software. Now, we have real push buttons right on the device, and they look and feel just like the controls all computer users have become familiar with.
Watch this space - the evolution of the Phablet Signature Pad drivers will include the implementation of many more such graphical user interface components. Finally, you will be able to display real text boxes, check boxes, selectable lists, images, and much more on the "signature" pad, essentially putting the face of a real computer application right on the display - whether that be for a signature capture application - or perhaps a much richer and complex user interface for any application. Essentially turning the Phablet device into a "terminal" dedicated to a software application running anywhere else on a Windows PC.